"Religious Thought During Times of National Crisis" Film Series
This film series will feature religion's role during national crises.
The first is entitled "The Prayers of Both Could Not Be Answered" and explores Abraham Lincoln's religion as found in his second inaugural address that reflected an attempt to understand the overwhelming death, suffering, and destruction of the Civil War; God's will as he could discern it; and American purpose.
The first is entitled "The Prayers of Both Could Not Be Answered" and explores Abraham Lincoln's religion as found in his second inaugural address that reflected an attempt to understand the overwhelming death, suffering, and destruction of the Civil War; God's will as he could discern it; and American purpose.
Evening at the Museum
This first film was made for an "Evening at the Museum" fundraising event. We commissioned two music videos to be part of it so that one could be shown at the beginning and one at the end. The "Abraham Lincoln Tribute" was done by the Piano Guys and the Free at Last Medley was done by Jenny Oaks Baker & Condoleezza Rice. Enjoy!